

FairCoin logo

You like Nextcoin? Well, you’ll definitely like this coin as well. Some people were saying about Nextcoin that it was unevenly distributed , making it difficult to small investors to compete with big ones. Using PoS, it is indeed hard to forge any coins if your stake is only a couple hundred coins.

Seeing this as a disadvantage of Nextcoin, the founders of Faircoin decided to distribute to everyone who gets an address (49750 people at most) during first 5 days. This means, everyone will get at least 1000 coins ( 5 million cap – 0.5%, divided by 49750 addresses). The rest of 0.5% are kept for bounties and supporting the community.

Here are some technical specifications:

  • 50,000,000 premined coins
  • Flat 6%/year minting reward, halving every year until baseline of 1.5%
  • 30/90 days min/max weight
  • 10 minutes block target
  • 30 minutes difficulty retarget
  • 0.001 coin mining reward

The launch is going to be in about an hour, so check it out! You may be pleasantly surprised!